Official Unattended Children Policy of the Tuckahoe Public Library

The Tuckahoe Public Library loves its community and welcomes patrons of all ages to use its facilities and services. The library is a passage way to lifelong learning for the entire community and all are welcome. However, Libraries cannot guarantee absolute safety to everyone using the library, nor do they want to deny access to patrons who want to use it in a lawful manner. The Library is not responsible for the care of unattended minors. The Library is not intended to be a daycare, after school care facility, summer camp or babysitting service.

  • Children under the age of eight may not be left unattended in the library. They must be in direct supervision of an adult when in the library.
  • Children under the age of eight, using the children’s computers, must have a care provider present at the computer terminal at all times.
  • Children ages 8-12 may be left in the library unattended for brief periods of time provided they demonstrate purposeful intent to use Library resources, and that their behavior is not disruptive to other patrons or library staff. Staff will warn children if their behavior is unacceptable and they may be ordered to leave the building if their behavior does not improve. In addition, the Library reserves the right to contact the police to preserve the Library’s operations and/or protect the interests of the child.
  • Parents are responsible for the conduct of minor children (under 18 years of age). The library staff does not take on parental responsibilities for children who come into the library.
  • Parents are responsible for monitoring the behavior of their children in compliance with the Tuckahoe Public Library’s Patron Code of Conduct. A Copy of this policy is available through the Library Director.
  • We ask parents to be familiar with the Library’s hours; to make advance arrangements to pick up their children and to inform their child of what action to take in the event of an unexpected library closing.
  • When the safety of an unattended child is in doubt or the caregiver cannot be located, or if the Library is closing, Library staff is authorized to call the police and stay with the child until the police arrive.

Violations of this policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges.

Adopted at the September 14, 2009 Library Board Meeting