Resources for Teens

  • Britannica Middle School - quick facts and articles on many topics with maps and illustrations
  • Britannica High School - articles, info and multimedia on numerous subjects 
  • Britannica Secundaria  - academic content for Spanish speakers, bilinguals and Spanish learners
  • Britannica Academic- comprehensive research for college level learners
  • Khan Academy- courses on subjects for grades 7 - 12, w/ videos and SAT prep exercises  
  • TeenBookCloud - Grades 7-12 ebook database - read online, listen, & learn the classics, fiction, graphic novels and audiobooks with no wait-time
  • Hour of Code One-hour tutorials in code instruction designed for all ages in over 45 languages.
  • Live Science- history & developments in science, technology, health, environment, and space
  • Scholastic - book lists by subject/grade level, learning at home resources & teaching tools for parents and educators
  • Comics Plus Library Edition - terrific source with thousands of graphic novels & comics available to read online with just a library card and pin number