Tuckahoe Library by-laws

ARTICLE 1-Name and Organization

The Tuckahoe Public Library was granted a charter in 1927 by the University of the State of New York at Albany, New York. The Library operates under the Education Law which provides for the management of the Library by a Board of Trustees, five in number, appointed by the Village Board of Trustees. Trustees serve without compensation for a term of five years, one trustee retiring each year. (see full Law for further rulings.)

ARTICLE 11- Board of Trustees of the Library

Section 1. To determine and promote all the policies of the Library.

Section 2. To secure adequate funds by a clear presentation of a budget to the appropriating body and assumption of legal responsibility for the efficient operation of the tax money so derived.

Section 3. To authorize expeditures of funds.

Section 4. To keep themselves informed of trends in library affairs at large.

Section 5. To appoint and support a librarian as an executive officer

Section 6. To draw up By Laws for its governance.

ARTICLE 111-Officers

Section 1. The officers of the Board shall be a President, a Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2. Officers shall be elected at the April meeting and hold office for one year.

Section 3. The President shall preside at meetings, appoint committees, and authorize calls for special meetings.

Section 4. The Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President, and at such times shall have power to appoint committees and act for the President.

Section 5. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, a President shall be chosen. Section 6. The Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of all meetings; issue notices of regular and special meetings; have custody of the minutes and all other records; notify the mayor of vacancies.

ARTICLE 1V-Meetings

Section 1. Meetings shall be held monthly, with the exception of July and August. The date of a meeting may be changed at the request of a member, provided it does not affect the possibility of the others attendance. The April meeting shall be the annual meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President, or on request of two trustees.

Section 3. Three members present shall constitute a quorum. Any decisions adopted at a meeting with a quorum present shall be valid.

Section 4. Signature of one Board member shall be necessary before bills may be paid by the Treasurer of the Village.

Section 5. It is the province of the Board of Trustees to determine what hours the Library shall be open.

Section 6. Complaints on the part of patrons of the library which have to do with fundamental policies must be submitted to the Board of Trustees in writing and must be acted upon by the Board as a whole and in cooperation with the Librarian, with the reply written by the President, or on his instructions.

Section 7. In Lay organizations and professional associations may be sanctioned by the Board.

Section 8. At professional meetings by the librarian and professional members of the staff shall be encouraged, when practicable, and provision for legitimate expenses provided in the budget. Section 9. The customary order of business outlined in Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be followed at meetings. Section 10. These by-laws may be amended or added to by a majority vote of the Board, only by giving notice in writing of the proposed change or changes, at least 15 days before any regular meetings.

ARTICLE V- Library Director

Article 1. The Librarian shall be the executive officer of the Board and perform such duties as are commonly required of librarians and such additional duties as the Board may direct.

Article 2. The Librarian shall attend all Board meetings, (with the right to speak but not to vote) except when her own appointment or salary is to be discussed.

Article 3. The Librarian shall present a formal report at each Board meeting on the state of the Library, with an annual report at the annual meeting in April. She shall bring such matters to the attention of the Board as she deems necessary for the good conduct of the library.

Article 4. The Librarian shall keep exact and detailed accounts of all money received from fines and other sources and pay all such money to the Village Treasurer at least monthly.

Article 5. The Librarian shall not incur any debt or obligation without authority of the Board.

Article 6. No one shall be appointed to the staff, except upon the recommendation (or with the approval of) the librarian and in accordance with the rules and regulations set down by the State of New York.

Article 7. Promotions and salary increases of staff members shall be presented by the Librarian to the Board for action.

Article 8. Communications or petitions from the employees to the Board of Trustees shall be transmitted through the librarian.

Article 9. The librarian shall instruct all professional assistants in the policies of the library.

Article 10. All records of the Library, including the Minutes of the Board, shall be open to any responsible, accredited person.

Article 11. Details of routine, e.g. assignment of duties, hours of service and similar matters shall rest with the librarian.