Warning: "Porch Pirates"

WARNING: “Porch Pirates”

The Tuckahoe Police Department would like to warn residents of a crime that is occurring all throughout the country, especially during the holidays when package deliveries are at a yearly high. “Porch Pirates” are criminals who walk/drive around neighborhoods looking for unattended delivery packages that are left in front of houses and in apartment building lobbies. They quickly grab the package and leave the area before being spotted. Thankfully there a few measures you can take to avoid being a victim of this crime. If you are unable to be home when your packages are delivered, we recommend the follow:

  • Require a signature if possible.
  • Leave delivery instructions to place packages at a side/back door that is not visible to the street.
  • Have a trusting neighbor or friend pick up and hold your packages from your home until you can retrieve them.
  • Have your packages delivered to your workplace or a UPS/FedEx Store.
  • Have your packages delivered to a local family member who is home during the day.
  • Invest in a lockbox/bag that delivery persons can place packages in, then lock (https://www.amazon.com/Original-Porch-Pirate-Bag-SHIPPING/dp/B01MF9W2I1)

The Tuckahoe Police Department receives multiple reports of these thefts during the year and especially during this time. Don’t be the next victim of this crime, take measures to prevent it before your packages go missing.

As always, if you see something suspicious, don’t hesitate to call 911

Package theft